All owners of an animal, especially a dog, have wondered at least once if their friend and companion in adventure has a soul. In the course of history this issue has been examined by many illustrious names, such thinkers as Aristotle and Kant, opposed this possibility. They do not seem to think so most of the Italians, according to a survey commissioned Piepoli Institute, which provides 49 percent of respondents said he was convinced that the soul of the animals have it, period. The data is then curious that only 41 percent of respondents own a pet and if it is true that almost half, having indicate that the animal feels closer to man, think of the dog, as well as third, second, indicate the monkey, which surpasses the six positions the cat and the noble horse. Not only that but in the ranking of animals of spirituality also includes lizards, sea bream, birds, in short, a general recognition of the spirituality of the animal world. Indeed in the past many have argued in favor of the existence of a soul in animals. Without citing too often as Hugo "Look into the eyes of your dog, and try to say that has no soul", the Church has not always been opposed to this possibility. If it is true that St. Thomas has always denied there was also St. Francis who even preached to the animals? Paul VI also advanced the idea that in heaven we may revise the animals of creation, and John Paul II, in an audience of 90, pointed to the 'breath or breath of life "that even the most humble critters received from God in the days of Creation. In fact it is not clear why the man had "acquired" the exclusive on the soul in isolation from other living beings, let's not forget that, are part of the world to the same right as us. We are a people grown and fed Bambi Disney or doing good and perhaps there is some truth? Sure, there are those (eight percent of respondents), in a burst of criticism towards the living beings in general, denies the blood of animals because he was convinced that "the soul did not make even the men." And the last statement I would share it: as if to say that the soul does not depend on race or species, but must be evaluated individually in all living things ...