In the reflection of the Bishop Adriano for the opening of the Pastoral Care of 2010/2011, in the cathedral at Chioggia, we are invited to reflect on shared responsibility in the world.
At 17.22 to 31 who are read to remind us of how Paul has spoken everywhere and at all taking heed of the environment where he was. 17.28 quotes the verse from Weather the poet Aratus (III century BC.), To which is also in the 'Hymn to Zeus of the Stoic Cleanthes (III century BC.), To put form understandable to the Greek people. In Mt 5:13-16, Bishop reminds us that we are salt and light, both substances that must remain in the middle wing world.
"Our diocese is experiencing a time for the activation of responsibility at all levels. There must be a mutual loving care for true communion and sharing. As the Book of Revelation tells us, perhaps we have little strength and are as fragile as the churches of the beginning. But there is a door that opens. Hebrews invites us to rejuvenate the hands which hang down, and urges people to get up. After the co-responsibility within the Church deepened last year, we now focus our attention and our commitment to "co-responsibility in the World." Matthew's Gospel invites us to make your light shine among men. Light: image that makes us reflect on the need to be present in the world as Christians. The lives of those who decide for Christ is not a private affair. The light must be the center of the room in the world. The quality of Christian life, as Diognetus said in his letter, does not differ from that degl'altri in dressing or eating. Christianity proposes a new method of living. Ranks as followers of God, according to the model of Christ, give particular attention to the poor as the poor, considering that the poorest are those who have no God
Redemptoris missio further opens our horizons. There are different religious situations in the movement to create a cultural and religious pluralism that invites to listen. The de-Christianization of our time and puts the area in which we live in a state of evangelization.
For a tempting interpretation: we must create a place for dialogue, dialogue with an appropriate and understandable language to that environment, any environment. Peace, people's rights, culture ... these are just some of the areas to be tackled with new momentum.
practical choices: life can not be undersold. We priests rethink our ministry, missionary work and more into one share in communion with each other and with people, choice of the pastoral, more involved in a common commitment to proclaim the Gospel. Catechetical and educational proposals in all that concerned. Formation of the laity.
First think and then act. Attention to the media, instruments and places where you think the training offer. "
These notes than we announced the opening of the pastoral year. We want to ask God for the grace of knowing how to listen to become co-responsible in the world, including the youth.