In mammals, the importance of smell is absolutely crucial is that even thinks about 5000 species would not be able to survive without this sense that important.
dogs of all senses is certainly more developed. Performs multiple functions all equally fundamental: it is a means of communication, survival, seduction and guidance. Lately even
studies have been conducted on the possibility for our furry friends to detect melanoma in the body of the master. The large olfactory
your dog is allowed by the structure of their olfactory organ, with an impressive amount of receptors: the olfactory cells varies from 100,000 to 200,000 (just think that in humans there are only 5000!).
The surface of the olfactory epithelium in cats is 12 cm square, man 2.5 and in the dog even 150! The dog's sense of smell is also closely bound up with memory: a dog remembers an object or a person more for the smell that accompanies it for its form or shape.
The smell of the dogs is used for many different reasons: the search for drugs, mines, people are just a few examples. The extraordinary success is due to the fact that the dog sniff only the molecules of a substance, but has a kind of "software" which processes odors.
The breed better in terms of the ability to smell is definitely the Bloodhound but in Italy it is little used. And 'much used in America instead: just see the episodes of CSI in which the forensic uses of this wonderful animal! To understand how much more developed sense of smell you think that the patent track (searching a track) of a German shepherd has aged for four hours (the dog is fed to the track four hours after the passage of the 'smell' to find), while the Bradhound has aged for twenty four hours. Below you can instead
enjoy in all its wondrous beauty of the face one of the most famous four-legged heroes Rex!
In Italy the German shepherd is more used as more versatile and sometimes the characteristic of flexibility is desirable and advantageous compared to a mere (albeit higher) olfactory ability.
So we can just say it's all about .... nose!
dogs of all senses is certainly more developed. Performs multiple functions all equally fundamental: it is a means of communication, survival, seduction and guidance. Lately even
studies have been conducted on the possibility for our furry friends to detect melanoma in the body of the master. The large olfactory
your dog is allowed by the structure of their olfactory organ, with an impressive amount of receptors: the olfactory cells varies from 100,000 to 200,000 (just think that in humans there are only 5000!).
The surface of the olfactory epithelium in cats is 12 cm square, man 2.5 and in the dog even 150! The dog's sense of smell is also closely bound up with memory: a dog remembers an object or a person more for the smell that accompanies it for its form or shape.
The smell of the dogs is used for many different reasons: the search for drugs, mines, people are just a few examples. The extraordinary success is due to the fact that the dog sniff only the molecules of a substance, but has a kind of "software" which processes odors.

The breed better in terms of the ability to smell is definitely the Bloodhound but in Italy it is little used. And 'much used in America instead: just see the episodes of CSI in which the forensic uses of this wonderful animal! To understand how much more developed sense of smell you think that the patent track (searching a track) of a German shepherd has aged for four hours (the dog is fed to the track four hours after the passage of the 'smell' to find), while the Bradhound has aged for twenty four hours. Below you can instead

In Italy the German shepherd is more used as more versatile and sometimes the characteristic of flexibility is desirable and advantageous compared to a mere (albeit higher) olfactory ability.
So we can just say it's all about .... nose!
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