There is a new way to enjoy our four-legged friends and it is through the lens a camera, thanks to two very original ideas.
The first comes from Japan with two photographers, and Yako Tadaka Sadao Takahashi, which exploit the passion typical of their country for so-called SD (Super-deformed Characters) have given way to an amazing phenomenon!
Photos of dogs whose particularity is in the strange perspective: from top to bottom, using the wide angle, portray subjects highlighting the characteristics of the cutest puppies: head larger than the trunk, huge compared to the rest of the body , large eyes and protruding. From a scientific reality defined by scholars as the "Baby scheme" through which Nature has ensured the survival of pups to keep providing them with more features and helpless, was created a craze that you can enjoy on the official website, from which it derives some of the photos in this post . The father of ethology Konrad Lorenz identified the characteristics of the pups as able to foster a sense of protection and limit the instinct of aggression in different species (you've never heard that children as well as the puppies were all beautiful, of any race or species?) Another surprise is the line (this Italian) of "tail wagging".
With much imagination supported by technology as much here for you photos of puppies (Or not) to say the least improbable situations like this that shows us two cubs hanging by a thread dryer. Both lines have given way to a real phenomenon, not just stopping at books. There are pins, coordinated bed, quadrerni, magnets and more! About
there is also a line for lovers gattofili, called meowing and what promises the image on the cover, is a real show, which will go crazy and incredibly fun lovers of these beautiful animals! !

there is also a line for lovers gattofili, called meowing and what promises the image on the cover, is a real show, which will go crazy and incredibly fun lovers of these beautiful animals! !
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