First to speak to the new post I will remind you that October is the month to make useful and recommended blood test your pet so you can verify that everything is in place especially in relation to serious and severe diseases such as leismaniosi. Remember: a little ingenuity can save his life!
Go and read the post in the appropriate section Dr.dog.
Now I want to present a list of names that I have selected if you have decided to take a puppy and be undecided about what to call it. It is not an exhaustive list, if you have additions to signal go ahead!
Remember, however, that the ideal is to give your dog a short name with strong consonants so as to be easily understood by the animal (for example, is ideal as Rex!)
Ado / a, Agata, Amelia , America, Anastasia, Anita, Asia, Athena (for a beautiful Doberman), Argo, Aramis, Arthur, Atos, Attila, Achille (great for male small size), Akira, Aladdin, Alaska (if you have a malamute! ), Alfredo, Andromeda, Apollo, Apollo, Asterix, Ace, Astro, Asdrubbale ...
Bernice, Burmilla, Betty, Archie, Bart, Baptist, Benny, Bernard (If you have a St. Bernard!) Beetowen, Bianca (in the case of a westie!), Scamp, Billy, Skittles, Black, Blacky , Bobby, Boris, Crumb, Brutus, Mustache, Baffy, Bea, Beautiful, Baroness, Barbie ...
Caffelatte C, Cain, Caio, Cappuccino, Casper, Caesar, Chicco, Chocolate (perfect if you have a chocolate labrador!), Christal, Chip, Dale, Tuft, Conan, Carina, Catwoman, Cassandra, Caesar, Chili Pepper (if you're a fan!) Ciappy, Ciccio, Cita, Claude, Cleo, Cleopatra, Cloe, Coca Cola, Coconut, Corinne, Cowboy, Camilla, Puppy ...
Dolly, Dolores, Dora, drachma, Daddy, Daphne, Daisy, Delilah, Dante, Dark, Desdemona, Diablo, Diamond, DIANA , Donald, Dora, Doris, Douglas, Dragon, Duchess, Dylan, Dakota , Dalma, Demeter, Goddess, Duna ...
Eureka, Empire, Etabeta, Electra, Eloise, Eclipse, Eddy, Edgar, Egle, Einstein, Electra, Elijah / or Elvis, Emy, Aeneas, Aeolus, Hercules, Esmeralda, Esther, ET, Hector, Excalibur ...
Fiona, Firstlady, Freddy, Freya, Frida, Fufi, Fury, Faith, Fantasy, Fairy, Phoebe, Phaedra, Flame, Fosca, Arrow, Flora, Leaf, Madness, Fedele (for everyone!) Fiammetta, Fido, Fifi, Bow, Fiona, Flower, Flipper, Flora ...
Gaia, Galatea, Juno, Glamour (if you're really very glamorous!), Grappa, Gretel, Gea, Gelatin, Gemma, Genevieve, Broom, Geneva, Ginger, Gaya, Gaja, Gaio, Gavin, Gemma, Yellowish , Geneva, Joy, Jonah, Giotto, Gordon (if you have a setter!), Greta, Judith, Juliet, Drop, Gwendolyn ...
Hallway, Hannibal, Hansel, Happy, Harmony, Havana, Hawk, Heart, Heaven, Heidi, Hercules, Hero, Honey, Hogan ...
Iago, Ian, Icarus, Ice Cream, Iceberg, Icedog, Igor, Iris, Isa, Isidore, Isolde, Izzy ...
Jason, Jerry, Jo-Jo, Joker, Joker, Jack ...
Kactus, Kendra, Kim, Kimmy, King, King Kong, Kira, Kirk, Kaja, Kandy, Kayla, Keith, Kelly, Ken ...
L Lilly, Lola, Leslie, Lassie, Lessie, Lillie, Light, Lucky (if you've found it!), Lilli (great for everyone but especially for a cocker!), Luke, Lady, Lancelot, Leo, Leo Leopold, Luna, Wolf ...
Minnie, Mister, Molly, Maia, Mandrake, Marilyn, Max, Medea, Mercedes, Milly, Mike, Mimosa ...
Nero, Nicki, Nightmare, Nina, Ninfa, Ninja, Naomi, Nora, Nairobi, Nancy, Christmas, Neo, Black ...
Oasis, Odessa, Ophelia, Olympia, Omar, Brass, Ozzy, Olympia, Shadow, Wave, Onyx, Orange, Bear, Oscar, Othello, Otto ...
Pimpa, Dumpling, Pretty, Pablo, Beads, Plum, Pallino, Palma, Pandora, Donald Duck, Pedro, Peggy, Pearl, Pinky, Goofy, Feather, Pierrot, Pluto, Paradise, Pearl, Fishing, Princess .. . Q
Here Quo Qua (perfect if you have a trio!), Quasimodo, Quentin, Quack, Queen, Quiz ...
Rocky, Romeo, Romulus, Rudy, Ragu, Rambo, Ranger, Red, Queen, Rex, Rin Tin Tin, Riccio, Ringo ...
Scilla, Sam, Sandy, Senior (if you've already got old!), Shirley, Sybil, Sydney, Sissy, Siren, Syrians, Snoopy, Sonny, Spice, Spidy, needle, SQUIT, Star, Super, Susy, Stella ...
Tyson, Taboo, Storm, Tasha, Taxi, Tequila, Terminator, Testarossa, Tex, Tiffany, Timothy, Titty, Tobias, Tom, Toto, Tris, Tweety, Spinning ...
Ugh, Ugo, Ulysses (if sometimes goes away but then always comes back!) UllallĂ , Uma, Urania, Ursula ...
Valerian, Vanilla, Valium, Van Gogh, Vasco, Venus, Vera, Vicky, Vroom Vroom, Vicky, Comma, lively ...
Weeky, Wendy, Wally, Watson, Wendy, Whiskey, Whitney, Whoopi, Wilma, Willy, Wolf, Wally ...
Xenia, Xara, Xantia, Xalda ...
Yezzy, Yra, Yuma ...
Zaira, Paw, Zanzibar, Zaza, Zebra, Zelig, Zeno, Zepellin, Zeus, Zoe, Zoom, Zorro, Pumpkin, Zulu, Zara, Zelda, Zelia, Zimba, Zoe, Zara, Zago ...
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