I want to deal with two subsequent post, however, this difficulty approaching (and going) to two races at the antipodes. In order not to spoil the surprise on the next post will not reveal here the other race I choose. I want to dedicate this space to a small and totally wonderful dog, in my opinion irrestitibile: the chihuahua! The world's smallest dog ( 16-20 cm high, 1.3 to 1.8 kg), what goes into a bag and for which the most famous designers have created real fashion fads. E ' called as the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, where it was discovered in 1850 and is not a race recently as in recognition, the American Kennel Club registered its first Chihuahua in 1905. Head like an apple, very large compared to the body, ears and giant eyes. Here are the characteristics of this indomitable little dog that in spite of brave size has a temper, which he does return to full rights by alarm among dogs (not seen the guard too small).
The two types of hair: short hair and long hair. Personally I find even more friendly than the long-haired, with those huge ears covered with hair make me a great tenderness. As for the color instead of all colors are allowed and accepted in the breed standard. The advantages of this race are the very small size which allows you to take it anywhere and consequent longevity. The defects have a habit of excessive barking and the character at times for fear tends to be a little aggressive. Allow me a detour on the surface: how to teach Paris Hilton (right) would be an unpardonable crime to buy a chihuahua and dabble with all the wonders that were specially designed fashion: purses, coats, beds and collars with bright irrestitibili thousand other luxuries. So to the delight of the admiring eyes below the latest model of traportini vuitton collar and leash combined

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