The Afterhours know them well, very well.
Since '97 I follow them constantly live, I know every nuance, the side projects (I was also fan of Six Minute War Madness and A Short Apnea), are also aware of many behind the scenes for the past five days with the producer of their first three albums in Italian ("Germ", "Are you afraid .." and "Forever And For Always"). I mean, musically over the past decade I grew up with them.
The new album starts with their best cover ever (in the past has not really saved to a separate "What does not exist") to summarize the effort to introduce the conceptual 'listener immediately in the center of the album.
There is indeed needed, because the disc is complex: there speak after a dozen plays integral and only now the true values \u200b\u200bseem to surface.
The album, as said in the explanatory note to the press, is really schizophrenic pass with ease (maybe a bit 'too much) the dramatic irony, from fear to peace, hope the nightmare.
What is clear is that the authorship of Manuel has affected a lot of music and especially the texts (which are said to be a total of a couple of steps below the excellence that has characterized the production of lambs), from which emerges a trend hallucinatory pseudo-fairy tale ("Shipwrecked on Treasure Island," "All Tomorrow", "Orcs and witches are only") which is opposed in some way a concrete image ("A few moments in washing machine "" Theme: My Location ") that make sense the dual side of Manuel, split in two in having to mediate between the reality and its image on the separate world of the imagination.
a sort of stasis theory "Musician accounting."
bomb pieces are coming soon, ("A few moments into the washing machine", "It 's just a fever" "Not even cannon fodder for God") but those who are long-distance surprise those where the melody strip under the distorted guitars (unbelievable "All tomorrow's" not so much for its emotional impact as for its normal and emotion) and really out target Afterhours are songs like "It 's hard to be Silvan' and "All the President's Men" (both really rise to the occasion)
The only trick in my opinion is to resume at times the pop formula of "not forever" (this is the case, unfortunately, " Resume Berlin) speeding up the formula of "Chorus no later than ten seconds into the piece)
One misstep in 14 songs you can easily digest.
For the rest, very good album.
Rating: 8
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