And 'We all know that Italy of Values, is laying down as a guarantor of justice, legality and security.
From President of IDV, Antonio Di Pietro, who wanted at his side, people to enforce justice have had to pay personally, as Luigi De Magistris, or people who for years has been fighting against corruption and the Mafia, represented by Sonia Alfano.
full regard to the national will to IDV, IDV Bollate also wants to pursue the ultimate in security for citizens, not only through the strengthening of law enforcement, but also through a new way of security.
Proposals for IDV Bollate:
- Strengthening security services and control of the territory (cameras, lighting, increased police presence, etc.).
- Strengthening policies to reduce the margin and greater social inclusion (up services to facilitate presone more vulnerable and at risk of being victims of crime-es. elderly); activation of a mediation service and implementation of social initiatives to information and prevention
- Improvement, maintenance and care of urban space (recovery and improvement of abandoned areas
- Creating more moments of fellowship among the citizens, families and community groups
Contribute with your comments or ideas to be integrated to our proposals. Thanks!
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