Now, let's talk about two seconds. I look at people in the face, I do not care that bear the label of the right, left, fascism, communism justicialism antiberlusconismo and so on and so forth. Especially if the labels are affixed by third parties. The only "tags" are those that apply each be entered on your chest. The merit / demerit through thoughts, words, deeds and omissions. Today, the credit goes to a real journalist capable which is one of the few / s write words of wisdom in a time when newspapers are more moderate extremists, perhaps because extremes lie less in their hypocrisy. The good Concita de Gregorio, head of the Unit (not even read a newspaper) has surprised everyone for his stubbornness and his education. This is one of his editorials, widely read and commented on the web.
PS This reporter probebilmente some ideas different from mine, but today it is in the foreground on this blog. Maybe it will affect a few, I emphasize because it is rare today.
Plan subversive
"This is what is irresponsible. Lie. Shamelessly say how does the newspaper headlines that "everything was organized." Use the gesture of a person who is not well (where was the security, where he was watching?) To criminalize any form of criticism and dissent, ultimately putting the foundations for a police state where it becomes difficult, if not better, express, express their own opinion so harsh as also happens in every democratic country.
There is no need for special laws, just enforce the ones we have. You do not need the tax shelter, just tighten up controls and to pay taxes. You do not need obscure internet, just use the tools that exist to stop people who abuse. Close Internet equivalent to break the thermometer to treat fever. The problem, as usual, is not who says what is happening: the problem is what happens, and not just close off the streets and obscure sites because the facts cease to exist. It will only be much worse. Will serve to exacerbate people's minds to cause - so yes, it really - riots. Not necessary to eliminate jobs or reduce to a flicker, just submit to the reviews. If I travel constantly in the wrong Fine 2500 times and I have not harassed by the cops. I have two options: to prove that I was not driving or paying fines . The rule exists, change the laws in the race means sending the message that Italians who can - only those who can, of course - do as he pleases. The other fools. Equip themselves to become very rich and powerful or pretending that you just attach the wagon to those who it is. Irresponsible and undermines the rules because it's convenient, you go faster, boredom that this Parliament, which weights these processes that torment this release. Eliminate it. do not need to change the Constitution, just respect it. Comply with the Charter, the powers, the judiciary, the head of state, the opposition. Do not say every other day is another well that the flag is in the toilet, the opposition is jerk, subversive judges, the head of state partisan. Do not pretend that we have the years of lead, as it did evoke Yesterday Cicchitto terrorism and moral principals and meanwhile, with the other hand, put the trust on a budget that returns to the Mafia seized property. This is so irresponsible, dangerous, criminal. To evoke the terror pork with the minimum standards of living, the debate between those who have different ideas and so it must be pointed out as murderess making lump everything: confused violence with legitimate concern, Tartaglia with Rosi Bindi and woe betide anyone who dares to say a syllable. We are not the years of lead, Cicchitto. We are never ever the case P2. We are faced with a clear design. Free headline yesterday: the Public Prosecutor in Palermo do not give up. Here's the deal: trade in the cathedral face with a wet sponge. A mad wounded him, national emergency, may be reset processes. What? Not a factor. For the processes we go, is struggling. In Parliament you go, you shall submit to the vote. Also in the square we go. To criticize, to make speeches. In the case of meetings, possibly with a good security services. This, in a normal country, today we speak. How to ensure the safety and civility in the comparison, not eliminate it. "
Concita De Gregorio, The Unit.
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