"What should I do?"
Dear young people of the Diocese of Chioggia, I want to remember that Pope Benedict XVI, at the XXV World Youth Day that the dioceses of the world celebrate in this Palm Sunday, has sent you a message titled Gospel "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? " (Mk 10:17 ). The goal is to help the discovery of life project.
We will meet Saturday morning at 17 all'idrovora 'Ca' Vendramin, ' to reflect on this proposal of the Pope, pray together and a brief moment of celebration at the conclusion of the meetings proposed during this year.
I thank you for having participated in a number of these meetings and I invite you to pin on your calendar date of April 17, briefly summarize the message of the Pope
XXV The Pope reminds us that this day represents a step towards the next World Meeting of young people, to be held in August 2011 to Madrid. In preparation for that day he will talk on this year's theme: "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mark 10:17), learned from the Gospel account of Jesus with the rich young man.
The pope recalled seven 'steps':
1. Jesus meets a young : This story expresses effectively the attention of Jesus to young people, to you, to your expectations, your hopes, and shows how great his desire to meet you personally and to open a dialogue with each of you.
2. Jesus looked at him and loved him : Christianity is not primarily a moral, but experience of Jesus Christ who loves us personally, or young old, rich or poor, looks at us with love.
3. The discovery of life project : the season of life when you are immersed is time to discover the gifts God has bestowed upon you and your responsibility. It is also time to build the basic choices for your life plan.
4. Come, follow me!: The Christian vocation arises from a proposal of love of God and can only be achieved through a response of love . In this Year of the Priest, I would urge young people and young people to be careful if the Lord calls for a greater gift, in the priesthood. Call also those who feel the vocation of marriage to accept it with faith, pledging to set a sound basis for living a great love, faithful and open to gift of life, wealth and grace that is to society and the Church .
5. Oriented toward eternal life : To ask about the ultimate future that awaits each of us gives full meaning to existence, because it directs life project is not limited to horizons and passengers, but wide and deep, leading to love the world, so loved by God himself, to engage in its development, but with the freedom and joy that come from faith and hope.
6. The commandments, genuine love way: they are essential reference points for living in love, to clearly distinguish right from wrong and to build a project solid and lasting life, because we want to educate the true freedom, because he wants to build with us a Kingdom of love, justice and peace.
7. We need you : cultivate great desires in the heart of fraternity, justice and peace. The future is in hands of those who can seek and find strong reasons for living and hoping. Try to build your future paths through serious study and training staff to serve in a competent and generous the common good. Christ calls each of you to engage with him and to take responsibility for building the civilization of love. If you follow his word, also will light your way and will lead to higher goals, which give full meaning to life and joy.
Dear young people, prepare to live well Easter. If followed throughout the week Santa will be led not only to contemplate the love and power of Christ but also to renew your life by drawing on the source of the Spirit of the Risen Christ. And a goodbye to the appointment of 17 April!
+ Bishop Adriano
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