one hundred young people of the Diocese of Chioggia, Friday, November 5 , have gathered at St. Anna to hear the Word of God and be jointly responsible in the ad. We were invited to reflect on the parable of the vineyard workers.

explain how the youth of Ca 'Venier, "The teacher loves all unconditionally and the last can be first." This is the great spring: if we want to actively participate in building the Kingdom of God we have the experience of love with which we have been loved. Only with this knowledge we can take the first step in shared responsibility, Chioggia summed up: "You received freely give."
The free, then, is the keystone that Cavarzere hopes will give "the" in various activities through the next step in conversion: "Convert the hearts and actions by the disproportion of complaints ed'incapacità wonder of God's good proportion the words and deeds to the free gift and shocking that we have received. " From these steps implemented with diligence we will experience the tangible effects of workers saints of the Lord's vineyard, his kingdom, as he shows us the vicarious Loreo: "To live with joy and gratuitously. The Kingdom of God. "
So we will be jointly responsible, as everyone is asking our Bishop, both in the personal journey of conversion in proclaiming the Word of God that we have heard.
Now we just have to put it into practice in our environment, in parishes, oratories, schools and homes. To bring all the gratuitous love of God in all good month.
We will meet at St. Anna December 10 at 20:45 always more numerous still, because we will be more and more the ideas that we share, live and proclaim. See you soon and thanks to everyone.
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