Monday, March 26, 2007

Astrostart Installers Manual

legalized crime

I wanted to write an article on vivisection, try to send out a scream, although quiet in the chaos of everyday barbarism against this cruel day.
I wanted to put pictures to try to shock and shake the conscience.
I did not. I know some people who are sensitive (and I'm among them) may be too affected. But close your eyes is not the right choice.
I have drawn the following lines from a site ( ) to which I refer you if you want to inform you better and think you have the guts to do it. Otherwise just try to follow the advice that most are written down, every little gesture counts.
Many say "vivisection does not exist anymore."
or do not know what they're talking, or are in bad faith.
"Vivisection" is not only dissect the frog alive, or the horrifying experiments of the past in which the dogs were tied with straps to a table and then dissected.
That there is almost no more, it is true (except for some unfortunate frogs in the workshops). Today
vivisection is something else. Much worse. It is called 'animal testing "or even" medical research ", but remains, in the DEFINITION of the dictionary," vivisection. " E ', by extension, "any type of tests performed on laboratory animals to induce alterations in anatomical or functional, such as exposure to radiation, the injection of chemicals, gas, etc.."> [Dictionary De Mauro, ed. Pearson].
That 's what millions of animals each year in the world suffer in laboratories: poisoning with chemical substances, including drugs and cosmetics, artificial induction of all kinds of diseases (cancer, multiple sclerosis multiple social imitation of AIDS, cardiovascular disease, etc..) experiments on the brain, experiments on pain, and more.
vivisectors I want to be called "research" or "scientists". If not get offended. But their white coats are not different from those of the butchers. And if there are fewer red spots is only because the suffering they inflicted on the animals of each species is not always required to pay blood.
the site you can find pictures that bear witness to the suffering of animals, but the most atrocious suffering is not what you see, is that of multiple sclerosis with the dog, the white mice with cancer, the rabbit being held captive in a tiny cage and padded chemicals to produce deformed children.

I refer also to post links to the vivisection Beppe Grllo:

do something to fight vivisection is not easy, because it is to intervene through legislation, to put pressure on industries, and to change the mentality of those who perform the tests (industrial or research). It is an individual choice, of which each of us is unique actor, how can it be vegetarianism, but we must act on the other, about who makes the decisions. For us and for animals.
However, each of us can make a contribution, from the beginning, in various ways. Here are a few suggestions to be applied to everyday choices
- Choose only cosmetics, personal hygiene of the house "humane" to refer to this guide you find on the site
- Use fewer drugs you can, and when you really need to use them, choose generic ones.
- Beware of pet food you buy: many of the best known brands fund vivisection! .

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I Get Pain In My Foot With Ice Skates

Masters ... nose! BLOGGER

In mammals, the importance of smell is absolutely crucial is that even thinks about 5000 species would not be able to survive without this sense that important.
dogs of all senses is certainly more developed. Performs multiple functions all equally fundamental: it is a means of communication, survival, seduction and guidance. Lately even
studies have been conducted on the possibility for our furry friends to detect melanoma in the body of the master. The large olfactory
your dog is allowed by the structure of their olfactory organ, with an impressive amount of receptors: the olfactory cells varies from 100,000 to 200,000 (just think that in humans there are only 5000!).
The surface of the olfactory epithelium in cats is 12 cm square, man 2.5 and in the dog even 150! The dog's sense of smell is also closely bound up with memory: a dog remembers an object or a person more for the smell that accompanies it for its form or shape.
The smell of the dogs is used for many different reasons: the search for drugs, mines, people are just a few examples. The extraordinary success is due to the fact that the dog sniff only the molecules of a substance, but has a kind of "software" which processes odors.
The breed better in terms of the ability to smell is definitely the Bloodhound but in Italy it is little used. And 'much used in America instead: just see the episodes of CSI in which the forensic uses of this wonderful animal! To understand how much more developed sense of smell you think that the patent track (searching a track) of a German shepherd has aged for four hours (the dog is fed to the track four hours after the passage of the 'smell' to find), while the Bradhound has aged for twenty four hours. Below you can instead enjoy in all its wondrous beauty of the face one of the most famous four-legged heroes Rex!
In Italy the German shepherd is more used as more versatile and sometimes the characteristic of flexibility is desirable and advantageous compared to a mere (albeit higher) olfactory ability.
So we can just say it's all about .... nose!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Dunk Tanks Model Plans


Thursday, March 8, 2007

300 Win Mag Long Range Shooting


E 'match the initiative "2000 Italian Blogger", a project that seeks to collect on a single page of the Blogosphere 2000 faces Italian.
Bau Bau Magazine is happy to participate in the full pages with Laura and Diana are extracted from the photos below, Claudio has already been added to this photo

Here the link to the official page where you can enjoy to search our blog in the middle of 2000 (approximately).

Be there were still some places!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sunpak 285 Porte Piles

Doctor ... Dog!

Already 12,000 years ago, the man had guessed to the great potential that can be derived in terms of benefits from the proximity of a pet.
Animals in ancient cultures, were attributed to supernatural powers and miracles and even during the Second World War were used in companion animals such as psychological support to minimize the damage caused to many people during the war.
Only in the early 60's, Levinson scientific testing the therapeutic efficacy of companion animals used for the recovery of people with serious mental illness and coined the now well-known term "Pet Therapy".

The Delta Society (the international organization that promotes the use of animals for the improvement of health status, independence and quality of life of the man) said that only pets can be included in programs of assisted activities and therapies to the exclusion of all animals so wild or feral, and exotic than those of pups.
The Pet Partners Aptitude Test (PPAT) of the Delta Society assesses whether the pair formed by the holder and the animal has the ability, capacity, placement and potential to carry out this type of activity, then selecting among all potential therapists only animals more susceptible.

course, our canine friends have a crucial role in carrying out these activities with special attention to some breeds such as Labrador and Golden Retriever.

When we speak of Pet Therapy we must distinguish between:
Animal-Assisted Activities (AAA) that is "undertaken with the aid of animals," Animal-Assisted Therapy
(AAT) that is "Therapy with the help of animals. "
These can be used with patients suffering from various diseases, with these objectives:
- cognitive (improvement of some mental abilities, memory, thought inductive)
- behavioral (control hyperactivity, body relaxation, acquisitions of rules)
- psychosocial (improvement of skills, interaction)
- strictly psychological (treatment of animal phobia, self-improvement)
Not only that but it has been shown that pet therapy can play an essential role in the resolution, or at least in mitigating some of physical ailments.
hypertension and heart disease can take advantage of the proximity of an animal petting an animal is also involved in reducing blood pressure and helps regulate the heart rate.
fundamental role is also played with Children: recent experiences in Italy on
children admitted to pediatric departments show that the curiosity and the joy expressed by the young patients during encounters with animals help relieve feelings of discomfort due to hospitalization, as to make clear their approach with the therapies and medical staff. On
Elderly then it was observed that in periods of cohabitation with animals is matched by a general increase in good humor, sociability and more responsive, easier contact with the therapists. An improvement in the general well-being for those who often, because of loneliness and lack of affection, it closes itself and refuses relationships.
Finally also Italy has launched the first two projects. Financed with € 150,000 for a term of three years will take place in the Lazio and Campania in agreement with the Institute of Social Medicine . The aim is to support the sick and the disabled in Rome on dialysis in Naples. We are delighted this initiative and this further step in our country in the awareness of the vital role that these fantastic beings have in our lives!